Fire Safety Awareness

Fire is potentially the most catastrophic incident that can happen in the workplace and it is not only a legal requirement, but it is essential for the safety of workers to have suitable emergency plans in place to safely evacuate the building if a fire should occur.
£65.00 (Ex VAT)
Half Day
Fire Safety Awareness

Our half day Fire Safety Course will cover a basic understanding of how fires can start and spread as well as knowledge on passive fire protection, requirements for maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and how to deal with fire emergencies.

This fascinating course will also include:

• Relevant legislation and guidelines.
• Fighting fires with both fixed installations and portable extinguishers.
• Emergency protocol, including evacuation, emergency lighting and assembly points.
• Fire alarms and fire drills.
• Understanding categories of fire and how they differ.

Please note this course does not include the practical use of fire-fighting equipment.

Contact us to arrange dates and times of this course.