Industry 4.0 Hub.

Established in 2024, as a partnership between WYMS, Calderdale College and the Textile Centre of Excellence, this state-of-the-art skill hub puts high-tech manufacturing at the heart of the town’s future, where businesses can explore how digital technology can improve their productivity and increase innovation.

Enhancing computers and automation with smart and autonomous systems

The i.40 Hub showcases specialist software and design, virtual reality, advanced manufacturing and robotics within three individual labs. The facility will support the growth of digital and manufacturing skills, benefitting start-up, existing local businesses and individuals. The aim of the I 4.0 HUB is to facilitate collaboration, demonstrators, workshops, business support, skills training (bespoke, CPD and apprenticeships) and referral routes to specialist resources related specifically to adoption of industrial digitalisation by SME and Micro businesses in the advanced manufacturing and engineering sector. Leading to a skills outcome as well as a business support outcome.

The Facilities

The IT Suite (Lab 1) - Creating

IT suite where Internet of Things (IoT), CAD design, Siemens’ Solid Edge Manufacturing, Technomatix, NX and Mendix Academy software, along with Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality development and other business software technologies are used to explore digital solutions to production and business problems/need.

The Reality Room (Lab 2) - Testing

VR/MR brings the IT Suite theory to life and will enhance the user experience by allowing them to test the prototypes / solutions they have designed in Lab 1 within the virtual world in a safe and controlled manor. They will be able to see their design come to life and see what impact it has on production, efficiency and processes.

The Robotic Room (Lab 3) – Making

Using the latest in automotive and additive manufacturing. Users will have the opportunity to experience equipment that early I 4.0 adopters have access to and learn how to innovate through its use. Equipment will consist of, EinStar 3D scanners, Ultimaker 2+ Connect/S7 Pro Bundle and Mayku Multiplier 3D scanning, miniFactory Ultra 2, Fanuc RoboDrill D14MiBP with CRX-10iA/L Collaborative Robot.

Contact us about using The Hub
Contact us about using The Hub
Contact us about using The Hub
Contact us about using The Hub
Contact us about using The Hub
Contact us about using The Hub