CCNSG Leading a Team Safely (LaTS)

The CCNSG Leading a Team Safely (LaTS) course is a one-day workshop designed to provide an essential introduction to managing small teams within the context of health and safety in the Engineering Construction Industry.
£140.00 (Ex VAT)
1 Day
Important Information

To be eligible to attend the CCNSG LaTS course, you must hold a current CCNSG Safety Passport.

Course Objectives
  • To influence the behaviour of those that they supervise.
  • To ensure good planning and communication of health and safety related to site work.
  • To help to ensure workers operate on site more safely, lowering risk to themselves and others.
Course Content
  • Strategies for working safely with others.
  • Tips for communicating successfully.
  • Leading a team effectively.
  • Guidelines for achieving safe outcomes.
  • Techniques for self-management.
  • An awareness of health and safety at work and their responsibilities for creating a safe workplace.
  • An understanding of safe solutions to problems in the workplace.

The CCNSG LaTS card is valid as long as the holder has a valid CCNSG Safety Passport.

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01484 711462