Why is First Aid at Work Important?

first aid at work

First aid in the workplace is an important consideration for every business and employer. In this article, we will take you through what first aid is, first aid legislation and how you and your employees can become certified first aid trainers.


  1. What is first aid?
  2. First aid legislation
  3. How to become a certified first aider

What is First Aid?

First aid provides emergency care to someone in need or injured. These could be minor injuries such as small cuts and sprains or more severe injuries that, could result in serious consequences if not treated.

In the workplace, it’s essential to have some sort of First Aid in place, at a minimum, there should be a first aid box with all the essentials in. The type of first aid needed partially depends on the industry; however, even if your team is office-based, at least someone should be first aid trained. 

First Aid Legistaltion

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations Act 1981 states that employees must provide adequate facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure anyone who is injured or incurs an illness can be treated immediately and effectively. 

But what does that mean for you as an employer? 

It depends on the work environment, the industry and the facilities being used. Before making a decision on what first aid should be in place, employers must complete a first aid assessment. 

This assessment involves reviewing potential hazards, risks, the size of the workforce, working patterns among other factors. Once the assessment is complete employers can then provide the correct and adequate number of materials and personnel for their business. 
It’s important to note that it is the employer’s responsibility to assess and implement the correct first aid procedures and facilities.

first aid course in progress

How To Become a Certified First Aider?

Once you’ve identified that a first aider is needed you or your employees need to be gain a first aid qualification to become a certified first aider. There is a range of different first aid qualifications and levels, each one as different requirements and assessments. 

To become a certified first aider at work you’d need to complete a 3-day course which includes an oral assessment of what you have learnt, on the final day. 

You can view our interactive and practical focuses first aid qualifications timetable here. After 3 years you or your employees can revalidate the certification by attending the Refresher First Aid course.  

For more information contact one of the West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services team today.

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